Friday, April 3, 2015

It's Live!

When In Rome Vol 1: An Unexpected Vacation is not live on Amazon and Smashwords.  I will update My Books page with the links when it goes live on the other platforms.

Buy it on Amazon:
Buy it on Smashwords:

You can read the first few pages as free sample on Smashwords. Amazon messed up the sample and it's not showing anything from the actual story, but Smashwords shows the first few pages.

It's the Easter weekend, I have a four day weekend to write the 3th and 4th stories in the series.
I'm broke and I have no money to go anywhere and do anything. But I love writing above all else so it's all good. In fact I'm happy to have four uninterrupted days to write.

The second story of this series is in editing and will be published next Friday. Now I must go back to writing!

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